Personal genomics is a branch of human genomics focused on sequencing and analyzing the unique genome of an individual to help determine optimal healthcare decisions… at least that is where it began. Today, there are companies adopting personal genomics to provide individuals with information on a range of topics from ancestry, diet, athletic training and even optimized wine selection.
This personal genomic screening is based primarily on results from genome wide association studies (GWAS). A GWAS study is an examination of a genome-wide set of genetic variants in different individuals to see if any variant is associated with a trait. The past five years have witnessed widespread scientific and social interest about whole genome sequencing technologies and their possible commercial applications to human health. Many emerging personal genomics companies are health-focused, but others, as previously mentioned, are taking a more curiosity-based approach to genetics.
Whatever the personal genomics offering, DNA sample management is key to establishing scalable genetic screening business models – from optimizing the consumer experience, ensuring quality samples and delivering accurate information. Whether the approach to market is mail-based, direct-to-consumer or in-person at a business location (i.e. Fitness center), one must consider how the DNA sample affects many aspects of the business.
Blood collection is invasive, and presents risk of infection for the donor, requires in-person collection from an experienced phlebotomist and shipping logistics are complex and costly. Buccal swabs eliminate these problems; however only yield a small amount of human DNA often too degraded to perform accurately on downstream applications, especially on sequencing platforms.
So what is the best method to collect DNA for personal genomics companies striving to deliver consumer-friendly, efficient and accurate genetic information?
Read on to learn how DNA Genotek’s products and services answer these questions and more to help personal genomics companies get ahead.
DNA Genotek’s Oragene® kits offer a very simple and fast method to collect and stabilize high-quality DNA in saliva while reducing human error. See the collection steps for more information.
With DNA stability for years at ambient temperature, Oragene products reduce transport and storage cost and complexity compared to blood. The collection kits are also robust and can withstand multiple freeze-thaw cycles, air-pressure changes and other physical transport and storage challenges.
Oragene/saliva samples are widely accepted and used in genomic service laboratories across the globe. In cases where a lab does not have direct experience, DNA Genotek will work to assist the lab with smoothly integrating Oragene/saliva samples into their workflow to ensure efficient processing and downstream accuracy.
The quality of DNA obtained using Oragene products is equivalent to that obtained from blood for downstream analysis1,2 including Whole Genome Sequencing, and can be extracted using a variety of automated platforms, such as QIAGEN QIAsymphony® and TECAN Freedom® EVO liquid handling robot.
DNA Genotek has knowledge and experience with sample transport (including cross border shipping) and regulatory clearance processes. DNA Genotek’s Oragene®•Dx and ORAcollect®•Dx product lines are the first and only FDA 510(k) cleared saliva-based DNA collection devices for in vitro diagnostic use in the United States+.
Lastly, DNA Genotek’s product customization and order fulfillment capabilities allow genetic service companies to focus on their business objective while DNA Genotek addresses full sample management and integration. Our consultants have developed hundreds of fully customized sample offerings and have expertise in package design, graphic treatment and a full range of kitting and logistic services.
Oragene saliva kits offer a proven way to build cost-effective, flexible and scalable personal genetic test offerings. Personal genomics companies looking for experienced advice, support and end-to-end solutions for DNA sample management are encouraged to contact us – we can help you get ahead. Email today.
1 Comparison of DNA yield from saliva and blood. DNA Genotek. PD-WP-012.
2 Comparison of DNA from blood, Oragene®/saliva and buccal swab samples on the Illumina® BeadChip 610Quad assay. DNA Genotek. MK-00089.
+ Oragene•Dx and ORAcollect•Dx are FDA cleared for in vitro diagnostic use.