DNA Genotek's Blog - The Genetic Link

Welcome to The Genetic Link

Written by Ian Curry | Dec 8, 2009 4:18:00 PM


Since the inception of DNA Genotek, we have been driven to enable significant worldwide health improvements and to create a loyal community of customers. In our early days, we learned from customers that DNA and RNA collection can be challenging. With an aim to facilitate easier collection, we worked closely with customers to solve these challenges with thoughtful product design and a focus on ease of sample collection. Our customers tell us we've done this successfully with our Oragene family of saliva-based DNA and RNA collection products.

As the CEO of DNA Genotek (by the way, I'm the guy on the right in the photograph), I'm so proud that the Oragene family of products has helped our customers achieve scientific breakthroughs in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, autism, mental health disorders, tropical disease and more. I'm also proud of the growing number of customers bundling Oragene into their testing or service offering. This year we expanded our product line to include DNA collection from animals and there's more to come. I couldn't be more excited.

After 5 years of providing the Oragene family of products for DNA and RNA collection from saliva, we decided it was time to start blogging about it. Today we are pleased to announce the launch of our official company blog, The Genetic Link. Through this blog, we hope to add our thoughts regularly on topics related to DNA and RNA sample collection. You'll hear from multiple people across many functional areas within our organization and get to know them through this blog.

We hope The Genetic Link will become a place where we can share important news with our customers, potential customers, partner companies and all others interested in topics and issues related to DNA and RNA sample collection, stabilization and preparation. It will cover the latest news about DNA Genotek and offer posts to help our customers get high compliance with their research studies, commercial studies, and with genetic testing. We'll also offer advice on how to achieve the best possible results with your DNA and RNA samples. In addition, we'll share our thoughts on what's happening in genetics.



If you'd like to see us write about a particular topic or if you'd like to contribute to a blog article, just let us know. We invite you to subscribe to this blog and to share the information with your colleagues.  

From all of us at DNA Genotek, welcome. We look forward to reading your comments and feedback.