The Microbiome Snapshot

a blog providing new insights into Microbiome Collection and Stabilization by DNA Genotek. DNA Genotek is a subsidiary of OraSure Technologies, Inc.

The Personalized Nutrition Project: An in-depth look at sample collection and stabilization

You’ve likely heard about the Weizmann Institute’s Personalized Nutrition Project. The findings of t...
Lisa Gamwell Nov 25, 2015

How does Cincinnati Children’s Hospital use the microbiome to study lupus? A look inside with Diana Taft

We reached out to Diana Taft at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital Medical Center to talk with her abo...
Megan McGrath Jul 28, 2015

Microbiome learnings from the Weizmann Institute

Update: Since this interview with the Weizmann Institute, the results of the Personalized Nutrition ...
Cindy MacCullough May 26, 2015

The intricacies of reliable microbiome collection

In our previous blog post, we examined the importance of preserving the microbial profile of fecal s...
Stefanie Bolduc Mar 25, 2015

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